Michigan CDL DUI Attorney

Michigan CDL DUI Attorney

Your commercial driver’s license (CDL) is essential to making a living. Losing a CDL due to driving under the influence can disrupt your livelihood, your family’s quality of life, and possibly your future. If you rely on a CDL for work, then you require an experienced...
Michigan Laws Loaded Firearm in a Car

Michigan Laws Loaded Firearm in a Car

Michigan laws lay out strict rules for transporting guns in motor vehicles. Specifically, the law explains when and how firearms can be legally transported by those who have valid concealed pistol licenses (CPLs) and those who don’t. It also explains the various...
Michigan’s Concealed Weapon Laws

Michigan’s Concealed Weapon Laws

Michigan laws set forth strict requirements and prohibitions for carrying a concealed pistol within the state. From obtaining a concealed pistol license (CPL) to restrictions on where concealed pistols can be carried, these weapons laws also establish the criminal...
Illegal Weapon Possession

Illegal Weapon Possession

Michigan gun laws criminalize the possession of certain weapons, even if you are a law-abiding citizen who has a valid concealed pistol license (CPL). Illegal weapon possession can be met with felony charges and serious penalties. For gun-carrying Michiganders and...
Michigan’s Legal Limit

Michigan’s Legal Limit

You may be charged with drunk driving in the state of Michigan if your behavior, appearance, and scent demonstrate intoxication to a law enforcement officer or if a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test indicates you were over the legal limit for driving. A failed...