
Types of DUI Warrants

Types of DUI Warrants

The fourth amendment to the US Constitution provides protection for American citizens from unreasonable search and seizure. Should a law...

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Michigan CDL DUI Attorney

Michigan CDL DUI Attorney

Your commercial driver’s license (CDL) is essential to making a living. Losing a CDL due to driving under the influence can disrupt your...

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High BAC for 1-3 Offense

High BAC for 1-3 Offense

Keep in mind that you can face OUIL or DUI charges in the state of Michigan without a blood sample as long as the courts are satisfied...

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Michigan’s Legal Limit

Michigan’s Legal Limit

You may be charged with drunk driving in the state of Michigan if your behavior, appearance, and scent demonstrate intoxication...

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Age of Consent in Michigan

Age of Consent in Michigan

Most people consider rape to be a crime where the victim doesn't consent to intercourse, but the word “rape” can also refer to...

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In many states, DUI is the term used to describe someone who operates a vehicle while over the legal limit. What Does OUIL Mean? But...

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Stun Gun Laws in Michigan

Stun Gun Laws in Michigan

Tasers and stun guns can be legal to own, carry, and use in Michigan, as long as people have the proper license and they follow all...

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Michigan Open Carry Laws

Michigan Open Carry Laws

Open carry laws in Michigan explain when and where pistols can be visibly carried in the state. They also set forth several rules...

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Illegal Weapon Possession

Illegal Weapon Possession

Michigan gun laws criminalize the possession of certain weapons, even if you are a law-abiding citizen who has a valid concealed...

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Removal from Sex Registry

Removal from Sex Registry

Many people who are on the Sex Offender Registry believe there's no way to remove your name from the list. While in some cases this is...

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Suspended License

Suspended License

If you have a suspended driver’s license and need transportation, it might be tempting to ignore the consequences and start driving...

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