A Guide to the DUI Process in Michigan

A Guide to the DUI Process in Michigan

Being arrested for a DUI is a dire situation in the state of Michigan. It is up to you, not the legal system, to advocate for yourself and your rights. If you are facing a driving under the influence charge, it is critical for your future that you seek qualified legal...
Types of DUI Warrants

Types of DUI Warrants

The fourth amendment to the US Constitution provides protection for American citizens from unreasonable search and seizure. Should a law enforcement officer want to search you, your home, or your vehicle, they must have probable cause and a search warrant signed by a...
Getting Your Driver’s License Back

Getting Your Driver’s License Back

Do you remember that sweet feeling of freedom when you earned your driver’s license? For the first time, you could go where you wanted, when you wanted. As you grew up and your aspirations and responsibilities increased, a car and a driver’s license became essentials....
Michigan CDL DUI Attorney

Michigan CDL DUI Attorney

Your commercial driver’s license (CDL) is essential to making a living. Losing a CDL due to driving under the influence can disrupt your livelihood, your family’s quality of life, and possibly your future. If you rely on a CDL for work, then you require an experienced...


In many states, DUI is the term used to describe someone who operates a vehicle while over the legal limit. What Does OUIL Mean? But Michigan also uses a range of other acronyms to describe people who operate vehicles while under the influence. OUIL stands for...